I’ve taken precautionary measures against dust mites, but I’ll never imagine that bed bugs ruined one of my vacations in 2019.

It was pre-Covid, and I checked in to a classic-style hotel with my son and parents. Despite being around for a couple of decades, the hotel was reasonably clean.

The interior and furniture are mostly made from wood and reflect the era when the hotel first launched its operation.

A Painful Night Of Sleep

We enjoyed the scenery as the hotel is just beside the beach. My son couldn’t hide his excitement as we spent most of the time on the beach.

Everything was fine until we call it a day.

Exhausted, we went to bed. It was an uninterrupted night of sleep for me.

As I left, the curtain opened; I woke up as the sun rises, but to a few bumps on my arm and torso.

The bumps look suspiciously like mosquito bites, except they were bigger, redder, and painful when rubbed on.

There were at least a dozens of those angry bumps on my body. My son was not spared either, as he had a handful of those as well.

It didn’t take much for me to realize that we’ve just got bitten by bed bugs. The hotel’s furnishing was generally made from wood, which are perfect hiding spots for bed bugs.

2 Weeks Of Discomfort

Unlike mosquito bites, the swell from bed bug bites lasted more than a couple of days. In fact, it took a full 2 weeks before the marks disappeared completely.

Getting bitten by bed bugs is no fun, particularly you’re on vacation. The discomfort is distracting, and it keeps prodding me to look more into it.

Because I wouldn’t want another vacation to be ruined when we get to travel again, and seriously, seeing those bite marks on my son is depressing.

Just like how I’ve been battling dust mites for years, I now have a new enemy on my radar. So, bed bugs, here I come.

Combating Bed Bugs

Moving forward, I’ll be researching bed bugs as they are indeed quite different from dust mites.

I’ll say that bed bugs pose a lesser threat in terms of health but can be annoyingly painful when you got bitten.

I’ve made a brief comparison between bed bugs and dust mites in the past and have compiled a list of useful information on bed bugs. 

I’ve noticed that many people are confused between bed bugs and dust mites, particularly when they got bitten or started developing rashes.

Bottom Line

Whether it’s bed bugs or dust mites, having these pests in your home means endless suffering. And I swear that my next vacation will be a bug-less one.