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Dust mites are a common problem in most households but technology has devised a new way in combating the pests; the ultrasonic dust mite controller.

What Is An Ultrasonic Dust Mite Controller

An ultrasonic dust mite controller refers to a product that controls dust mites through the use of ultrasonic waves and UV lights. It’s still a new product in the market but works very well. Although the sounds from this product are undetectable to both animals and human beings, they disrupt the reproduction cycle of dust mites.

All you need to do with it is to plug it to a wall outlet in a room. Although dust mite controllers have not been around for long, the concept has been for so many years.

Do Electronic Dust Mite Controllers Work?

A study was conducted with the aim to assess the ability of ultrasonic waves to reduce the number of mites present in the environment. This involved checking the asthma symptoms of patients who are allergic to dust mites over a given period of time.

After three months of carrying out this study, patients who had incorporated ultrasonic waves showed fewer symptoms of allergies. It is believed that the ultrasound wave does have an impact on dust mites. They act by causing a disturbance to dust mites, thus interrupting their reproductive cycle.

Also, the ultrasonic waves have an effect on their fecal matter, deactivating it and subsequently transforming it into matters that are allergenically inert.

Choosing An Ultrasonic Dust Mite Controller

There are a few things that you need to put into consideration as far as choosing an ultrasonic dust mite controller. They include coverage, the certification, and the area in which they are effective.

  • In terms of coverage, a good dust mite controller should cover around 600 to 800 sq ft on average.
  • The dust mite controller should have an Underwriters Laboratory (UL) and CE marking for safety. Check for those because they serve as proof of safety to both human beings and animals. You need it to be safe and harmless especially to those people who suffer from any allergies.
  • An ultrasonic dust mite controller is supposed to be easy to use. All a good one requires you to do is plug it into the outlet and it’s ready to be used for elimination of the dust mites.

Recommended Ultrasonic Dust Mite Controllers

The ultrasonic dust mite controller may still be new in the market but there are a number of companies that manufacture them nowadays. Here are some recommendations of ultrasonic dust mite controllers from different companies, along with their specific features for your consideration in case you are planning to get yourself one.

1. Florious Living Bed Bug and Dust Mite Killer From Fitnate

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  • This ultrasonic dust mite controller is both chemical-free and allergy-free. It works great on bed bugs and dust mites.
  • It also works great as a pest control solution.
  • It uses ultrasonic wave technology to disrupt the reproductive cycle of insects thus preventing their increase.
  • It is also non-toxic and perfect for those people who have allergies and is harmless to kids. It also does not interfere with any of your household electronics so you do not have to worry about fixing the other electronics or taking too many precautions before using them.
  • The dust mite controller is simple and very easy to set up. All it requires you to do is set it up and leave it there. Just one unit is enough to cover one bed or room area.

2. Neatmaster Ultrasonic Pest Repeller By Neatmaster

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  • This ultrasonic controller is great for driving pests away from your home. It uses electromagnetic waves, ultrasonic wave technology as well as state of the bionic wave to ensure your home is free of pests. It drives pests from your home for good after a few short weeks of use.
  • You will love that it is also very easy to use. All it requires you to do is plug in the outlet and wait for the green light to go on. It is used for minor pest infestation. If the pest infestation in your house is mild, adjust it to purple. You can turn on the red mode if your house has terrible pest infestation and then just let it work.
  • The ultrasonic pest repeller works best in an area of up to 800 to 1200 square feet. The waves cannot travel through walls though.
  • It is non-toxic and eco-friendly. This pest controller is 100% safe. It naturally drives pests away without having to kill them. That means you don’t really have to clean up dead pests or insects.
  • The product comes with a lifetime guarantee assurance. It allows for one to get a money-back guarantee in case you do not see any results within four weeks of use. This is the recommended amount of time required for you to see any results. So by buying it, you will not incur any losses.

3. Delicat AcarZonic ultrasonic dustmite Repeller

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  • This AcarZonic Ultrasonic Dust Mite Repeller helps in relieving the symptoms of those who suffer from dust mite allergy.
  • It is highly effective and clinically proven way to get rid of dust mites.
  • The dust mite controller uses 40,000 HZ sound waves and to an area of about 40m³ to get rid of any dust mites around.
  • It is very easy to use and extremely safe as well so no need to worry because it is harmless.

4. Dust Mite Controller From DTMCare

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  • This product actually kills dust mites instead of just repelling them.
  • It uses ultrasonic waves to interfere with the dust mites growth cycle.
  • The UV light kills both the dust mites and their eggs.
  • This dust mite controller covers a bedroom that is of average size.
  • Due to its characteristics, it is very ideal for those who are suffering from dust mite allergies.

Hopefully, you’ll find getting an ultrasonic dust mite controller helpful in turning the tide in your battle against dust mites.

